(DON’T) LOOK ME IN THE EYES is a dance performance inspired by the story of the Greek myth of Medusa and the Gorgon sisters. It is a piece for three human performers, two robots, and an avatar; that tackles the monstrous and the relationships between bodies and technology, aiming to reflect on the representations of women and queer characters in the foundational narratives of Western culture.
(DON’T) LOOK ME IN THE EYES attempts to turn the problems that the myth triggers into a sci-fi futuristic dream, tracing a line between past and future to understand and confront some of the problems from the present we inhabit.
Co-produced with SPRING Festival and ICK Dans Amsterdam.
Co-production in residency O Espaço do Tempo.
Supported by AFK, NORMA, Stimulerings Fonds Digital Culture, the YAA prize, Erik Impuls, New Adventures Residency, and Antic Teatre.
< Read the review here Theaterkrant.nl - 1st June >
Photo © Hermien Buyse