Mind the Dance (Reflex)

Documentatie voor dansdocenten

MIND THE DANCE is a collection of essays, manuals, scores, exercises, and maps created to inspire dance teachers and artists towards integrating the practice of documenting into the practice of art making and pedagogy. MIND THE DANCE is created in the attempt to encourage (without standardising and institutionalising) the articulation of bodily knowledge in traditions other than the oral tradition––such as writing, video- and audio recording, drawing, etc.––in the attempt to raise its visibility and recognisability. MIND THE DANCE is eager to help de-stigmatize the practice of documentation with the framework of the practice of dancing and choreography by understanding the practice of documentation as an artistic practice, instead of only an administrative one.

MIND THE DANCE can be read online at www.mindthedance.com. The chapters of MIND THE DANCE can be printed at home as single chapters; in other words, any number of chapters can be printed at any time. Printed chapters can be found in the official MIND THE DANCE book cover (binder), and you can combine the materials with your own notes in the book cover. This can be picked up at MIND THE DANCE partner institutions [link], or sent out to you, also through info@idocde.net, either way, to be sent free of charge for you.

REFLEX Europe researches and uses documenting as a tool for reflection in order to improve the teaching and to increase the impact on the learners in contemporary dance. It is a partnership of 8 European organisations working in the field of contemporary dance and its education.

At the core of REFLEX Europe is the Research Group consisting of 11 dance teachers and experts in dance video and dance writing. Over the course of three years (September 2015 -August 2018) the Research Group will develop the REFLEX Tool & Guide in a series of research modules.

The summerly IDOCDE symposium which is held each year at ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival complements the research of REFLEX Europe. Next to its function as peer to peer platform for exchange among dance artists and teachers the symposium relates the project progress to the interested audience and with its help and feedback will further develop the REFLEX Tool & Guide.

In the last project year, outreach workshops and a final master class will disseminate project results. Teachers who are interested in working in detail with the REFLEX Tool & Guide after attending a workshop in their country are invited to a master class of the Tool & Guide at the Symposium. They will receive a certification which qualifies them to teach the REFLEX Tool & Guide workshop themselves and beyond project duration.

REFLEX Europe is funded by the European Union and collaborates closely with the online network for contemporary dance and teaching, IDOCDE (international documentation of contemporary dance education) - for publication of the REFLEX Tool & Guide, for networking and feedback.

Research Group
Bertha Bermúdez (FR), Defne Erdur (TR), Eszter Gál (HU), Sabina Holzer (AT), Andrea Keiz (DE), Kerstin Kussmaul (AT), Ulla Mäkinen (FI), Barbara Meneses (NL), Amir Avraham (NL), Martin Streit (DE), and Friederike Lampert (DE).

Partner Organisations
Wiener Tanzwochen (AT),K3-Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg (DE), Tanzplattform Rhein-Main (DE), SíN Culture Center (HU), Pohjois-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymä (FI), Le Pacifique (FR), ICK Amsterdam (NL), Elim Sende (TR).

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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