Beyond Seoul
Butoh, a Korean traditional dance and Tai Chi are the movement art forms with which the work of Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten has often been compared. Although their dance language does not derive in any way from these Asian forms, there is undeniably a common element. In dialogue with fellow artists from Southeast Asia, Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten create the multi-annual project BEYOND, which involves both an educational and a creative path. Together, they focus on the theme of tradition and innovation in the dance in Asia and in Europe.
During the first edition in 2009, this exchange took place in Amsterdam with dancers from Singapore, China, India and South Korea. In April of 2009, after a residency in Seoul, the outcome was shown at the Bo:m Festival. The Korean architect MinSuk Cho took charge of the scenography.
Coming from diverse cultural backgrounds, the dancers give their personal vision on tradition and innovation. In the performance, a fascinating balance is achieved between the individual input of the eight dancers and the specific language of choreographers Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten.
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