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Emio Greco | Pieter C Scholten

Two eager young dogs beat their way through the dark. Sledgehammer blows, darkness blows, light blows in which the dancers navigate. The search for the new seeing is a path toward the light, the attempt to come out of our hole. Space is created for intuition and wonder, for mystery and the incomprehensible. By touch, we move forward.

Anybody Out There? is the prelude to the dance opera We, the EYES that will premiere in June at the Ravenna Festival (I). This production is part of the WE, Cycle in which ICK wants to offer perspectives for a society in crisis and claims change. ICK is convinced that we are going to experience profound changes in the time to come. But we are currently blind to its deeper dimension. That inhibits us. The WE projects give a stage to the journey, which we undertake together as humanity.

(in double bill with THE RITUAL - Sedrig Verwoert)


photo © Alex Avgud