Let Amsterdam Dance

In context of 750 years of Amsterdam

In 2025, Amsterdam will celebrate its 750th anniversary, and we're marking the occasion in a big way with Let Amsterdam Dance (Heel Amsterdam Danst)! On 15 June, residents from eight districts of Amsterdam, with ICK Dans Amsterdam as a proud partner for Amsterdam Nieuw-West, will come together on the stage of Dutch National Opera & Ballet for their own performance of In C. This contemporary ballet by choreographer Sasha Waltz treads the line between improvisation and choreography. From teenagers to seniors, and from untrained dancers to folk dancers and hip-hop artists – everyone is taking part!

To represent the entire city, each district has invited a group of 20 to 25 residents – of all ages, with or without a dance background – to participate in Heel Amsterdam Danst. Each group learns a part of In C and creates its own unique performance of the work.
For questions email MarleyBraaf@ickamsterdam.nl
This unique performance will first be staged in each district. These 'satellite performances' will be complemented by appearances from local artists and a contribution by dancers from the Junior Company. On 15 June 2025, all groups will come together at our theatre to perform alongside dancers from Dutch National Ballet, musicians from The Ballet Orchestra, and conservatory students.

Free experimentation
The renowned German choreographer Sasha Waltz created In C, based on Terry Riley’s composition of the same name, as a collection of movements that dancers can freely experiment with. This flexibility makes the piece ideal for performances by a wide range of dancers, from professionals to amateurs.
Giving and taking space 
Waltz’s choreography consists of 53 movement sequences, from which each group learns a selection. The choreography works like a game: dancers decide for themselves when to move, pause, or connect with others. This approach aligns perfectly with the central theme of Heel Amsterdam Danst: sharing space. Each participant has the freedom and responsibility to find their own place in the space, while ensuring they don’t take up someone else’s, and to create connections with others.
A documentary is being made about this major participation project, at the initiative of National Opera & Ballet. In the film, several participants from the city districts are followed and interviewed. They talk about their experiences and share their thoughts on the theme of ‘sharing space’. The documentary thus offers insight into the diversity of the participants and their personal stories. The film will later be donated to the city as a lasting memory of Amsterdam’s community in 2025.

